Reliable Hardware and Steel - 3240 Dutton Ave Santa Rosa CA - 707.545.7822


Family owned and operated since 1978,
Reliable Hardware and Steel has been a full service custom fabrication and welding shop as well as a one-stop metal service center serving Sonoma County. We stock all milled materials such as steel, stainless, aluminum and copper. We also are a supply house for tools, fasteners and hardware. Featuring friendly, knowledgeable staff to help you complete your next project quickly, professionally, with quality and precision.



One of the Widest Variety of Materials in Sonoma County

Reliable Hardware and Steel Specializes in all materials from Aluminum, Brass*, Copper *, Expanded Metal, Perforated Metal, Steel, Stainless Steel, Core-Ten and DOM tubing. We carry all shapes and sizes.  Go to Materials

Steel, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Copper, Bronze, Galvanized, CorTen, Expanded Metal, Perforated Metal...

Steel, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Copper, Bronze, Galvanized, CorTen, Expanded Metal, Perforated Metal...

Fabrication a Specialty

Yes, We Fabricate! Bring us in your blue prints, your plans, your schematics, sketch or just an idea and we will build to your specification. Certified jobs to small spot repairs - Anything and Everything.

See a small sample of what we do

No job is too large or too small for our team

No job is too large or too small for our team

Water Jet Service

Parts production and art a specialty! Our Water Jet table is one of the largest in Sonoma County, cutting your large pieces easily and with extreme accuracy. We can cut glass, stone, metal, fabric, the list is endless. Bring in your drawings, files, or sketch. Check out some Water Jet Projects

What else can you get at Reliable Hardware and Steel?

Metal Brake - Metal Shearing - Fabrication Shop - Rolling - Welding - Stainless - Aluminum - Pipe - Cable Swageing - Plasma Cutting - Punching - Piranha / Iron Worker - Drilling / Tapping - Hardware - Fasteners -Tools -Trailer Supplies - Rigging - Chain and Cable - Bandsaw Service

* Brass and copper are only abaliable as special order.